We are excited about the upcoming community event, Walk With Your Doc, happening on Friday May 12th at 7:30 am! This walk along the beautiful White Rock promenade is a free event and offers complimentary parking and the perfect opportunity to get outside, be active and meet other people in our great community. If you’d like to join some of the team at Buena Vista Massage at this event, we invite you to register at www.walkwithyourdoc.ca.
While we’re on the topic of walking, we’d like discus this often under-valued activity that is one of the best ways to get yourself and your family active! Walking is one of the easiest forms of exercise you can do. It’s ideal for people of any age, is gentle on your joints and will get your heart pumping! The only item you need to invest in is a good pair of shoes. A walking or running shoe with good ankle and arch support is recommended.
Walking has numerous health benefits:
Boost your brain health! As we get older, we’re often reminded of the need to keep our physical health top of mind. But our brain health requires just as much upkeep. There have been many studies that reveal that even small doses of exercise can help improve your brain health and thinking skills. It can also reduce symptoms of depression
Melt away stress. Physical exercise has long been known to be a reliable stress-reliever. A 30-minute walk over your lunchtime can boost your mood and offer a quick fix for stress.
Lower blood pressure. Although high blood pressure and hypertension have a largely hereditary component, you are able to lower your risk of developing hypertension by staying in shape. 3o minutes of moderate exercise a day is one of the most effective natural remedies for high blood pressure.
Improve your overall health. While walking may take longer to see results than running or a more intense workout, it will improve your cardiovascular health. It can also improve your bone health, reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and strengthen your heart.
A brisk walk counts as a moderate intensity activity. It should make you feel warm and slightly winded, and increase your heart rate. According to the Canadian Physical Activity Guideline, a good goal to set if you are just beginning is to aim for 150 minutes each week of moderate to vigorous intensity activity if you are an adult, or 60 minutes a day if you are under 18.
Work up from a low intensity to a higher intensity level by increasing your stride length and your speed. Start out at your normal walking pace and gradually increase the amount of time that you walk, the speed at which you walk, or both on a daily basis. Before you know it you’ll be on your way to a healthy, happier and more active you!